A brief look at wedding guidelines at First Church Greencastle:
As soon as you have a date in mind, contact the the church office so that reservations can be made in the calendar for the wedding, rehearsal, and counseling. Four months notice is generally required to schedule any wedding to insure for adequate preparation.
If the Family Life Center (aka the gym and kitchen) is desired, it is available.
We want your wedding to be as beautiful and meaningful for you and for the assembled guests as it can be. Any suggestions or requests of the bride and groom should be made as early as possible. Since the wedding is for the bride and groom, any suggestions that are proper will be considered.
Please contact us for further information or with any questions.
As soon as you have a date in mind, contact the the church office so that reservations can be made in the calendar for the wedding, rehearsal, and counseling. Four months notice is generally required to schedule any wedding to insure for adequate preparation.
If the Family Life Center (aka the gym and kitchen) is desired, it is available.
We want your wedding to be as beautiful and meaningful for you and for the assembled guests as it can be. Any suggestions or requests of the bride and groom should be made as early as possible. Since the wedding is for the bride and groom, any suggestions that are proper will be considered.
Please contact us for further information or with any questions.
And the man said:
This one, at last, is bone of my bone
and flesh of my flesh;
this one will be called “woman,”
for she was taken from man.
This is why a man leaves his father and mother and bonds with his wife,
and they become one flesh.
Genesis 2:23-24